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Flaxseed: the miracle ally for weight loss

All articles on this blog are written in collaboration and with the supervision of health professionals from our weight center.

flax seed is a plant that has many virtues, which correspond perfectly to the needs of people who wish to lose weight: antioxidant, satiating, purgative, fat reducer, rich in nutrients, etc. Focus on this seed, ideal for a healthy supplement to your diet.

What are the virtues of flax seeds?

Flaxseed is a powerful appetite suppressant.

Flaxseeds are extremely high in fiber. The advantage is that they are mainly composed of soluble fibers. Thus, during the maceration of the seeds, we can observe that they absorb a lot of water to release a thick mucilage.

The water turns into a kind of gelatin that lines the stomach. Therefore, by swelling, the seeds inevitably provide a lasting feeling of satiety.

This phenomenon avoids small hollows between meals and consequently, snacks rich in bad sugars and fats which are the enemies of a healthy diet and a successful diet.

food cracking

Flaxseed is laxative

Flaxseeds are very rich in fiber, which helps to remedy in particular transit disorders. Thus people suffering from chronic constipation will see their symptoms disappear, from the first weeks of treatment.

However, you must be vigilant and gradually increase your daily consumption in order to avoid an excessive laxative effect.


These seeds are an excellent source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially omega 3 which are sorely lacking in our diet.

Also composed of omega 6, the ratio they offer is 5 omega 6 to 1 omega 3 which is an excellent ratio. Because the overconsumption of omega 6 that we know in our time causes obesity.

This balance promotes protection against cholesterol and various heart diseases.

flaxseed cardioprotectrice

Flaxseed burns fat

The good fats they contain break down the bad ones. And this, while maintaining muscle mass, by a good stimulation of anabolic hormones. This mechanism helps the metabolism to stay high and burn calories. This consequently leads to weight loss, lowering bad cholesterol, stabilizing diabetes, lowering triglyceride levels, etc.

Athletes will also appreciate the reduced soreness and recovery time, while seeing their protein absorption improved. The proportion of fat cells burned during physical activity increases. Thus, we find the same principle as some diuretics.


Rich in nutrients

Weight loss diet often rhymes with deprivation and consequently deficiencies of all kinds.

Flaxseed is very rich in vitamins (B1, B6, B9, aso.), minerals (calcium, magnesium, aso.), and trace elements (selenium, iron, aso.) aso.

Its consumption therefore avoids having to resort to the purchase of expensive, synthetic food supplements, which moreover, will not be as well assimilated by the body as the nutrients present in our diet.

Flaxseeds are therefore a healthy alternative to multivitamin food supplements.

Not to mention the usual pump strokes, which usually occur with diets. The nutrients contained in flax seeds allow you to stay in shape while losing weight.

flaxseed vitamins

How to consume flaxseed?

Flaxseed can be consumed in different ways. It is still preferable to alternate these different modes, in order to make the most of all its benefits.


To take full advantage of its nutrients, it is best to consume it ground.

The body cannot assimilate the contributions of flax seeds, if they are eaten whole. Because the stomach cannot dissolve the seed coat. They would therefore be evacuated as is and it would be a shame to deprive yourself of its many benefits.

To know! It is imperative to keep the flax seed powder in the refrigerator in an opaque and airtight container, for a maximum of one month. Because once crushed, they become much more sensitive to oxidation.

It is easy to integrate 2 to 3 tablespoons, per day, in its various meals:

  • sprinkled on yoghurts, and compotes
  • in morning cereal
  • in beverages such as milkshakes, smoothies, etc.
  • in the dough of breads, cakes, pies and homemade pastries
  • in breadcrumbs and meatloaves
  • on salads
  • in eggs
  • etc

However, if you want to eat them as they are (in breads for example), you will have to chew them well!

Attention! It is imperative to drink enough water and to respect the recommended daily doses, in order to avoid any obstruction of the esophagus or intestines. Also, getting enough hydration is essential when trying to lose weight and stay healthy.

ground flaxseed


Soaking the seeds before consumption facilitates their assimilation by the body. The rate of vitamins and proteins is thus multiplied and the minerals better assimilated.

How to do ?

Soak the seeds overnight in room temperature water. The next day: filter, then drink the liquid thus obtained, throughout the day.

Linseed oil

Flaxseed oil is of all vegetable oils, the one that is richest in omega 3. However, there are precautions to follow:

  • it cannot be eaten cooked, which is why cold extraction is the only mode of manufacture that is suitable for it
  • its oxidative potential is extremely high, so it must be kept in the refrigerator in an opaque glass container for a maximum of three months after opening.

The interest is therefore to buy small bottles of 250 ml maximum in order to prevent it from going rancid and becoming toxic.

  • since this oil does not support cooking during its extraction, it is also the case during its preparation. It should therefore never be heated or cooked. Conversely, this oil is ideal for salads
flaxseed oil and seeds

To know! To amplify the effects of flaxseed, it is strongly recommended to consume it 30 minutes before meals by drinking a good amount of water. Thus its mucilage can be released quietly in your stomach. This will avoid eating in excessive quantities during meals, while being satiated and without feeling the slightest hollow in the hours that follow.

flaxseed warnings


As with any supplementation, it is essential to take your state of health into account before starting a cure. And this, even if it is a natural product!

The contraindication of flax seeds concerns people suffering from intestinal problems:

  • intestinal diverticula
  • bowel obstruction
  • narrowing of the esophagus (or intestine)
  • scleroderma

This contraindication is indicated as a precaution. It concerns the ingestion of whole seeds only. This is because there is a risk that the seeds stick to the stomach wall and thus cause inflammation.

Therefore, it is preferable for these people to consume the seeds ground or in the form of oil, in order to avoid any risk.

Of course, it is strongly recommended to take advice from your doctor before starting a flaxseed cure.

stomach problems

Drugs interactions

If you follow one of the following treatments, it is important not to start a flaxseed cure before talking about it with your doctor:

  • anti coagulants
  • antidiabetics
  • drugs that slow transit

What to remember about flaxseed

Flaxseed is the ideal food to accompany weight loss in view of its many properties and virtues:

  • burn fat
  • appetite suppressant
  • laxative
  • rich in vitamins and minerals

To obtain an optimal result, it is necessary to consume them assiduously, daily in its various forms:

  • mixed
  • soaked
  • linseed oil

It is particularly important to make regular cures of around two months. These cures will however be interspersed with a few weeks of rest (2 to 4 weeks)

Please note, if you are undergoing treatment or have health problems, it is essential to discuss them with your attending physician.

In short: consume flaxseed in the form of cures, in addition to a healthy, diversified and balanced diet and in parallel with the practice of a physical activity, will give convincing results on weight loss: faster and longer lasting.

On the other hand, it would be very naive to believe that consuming this plant alone, with a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle, would make it possible to lose weight!

flaxseed oil and seeds

Did you like this article ? Let us know in the comments if you’ve ever tried flaxseed to help you lose weight, and what results you got!

Are you having difficulty losing weight? Need help because diets aren’t working for you? Contact our weight clinic on +32 (0)2 673 90 71 or via Contact form. The doctors on our team will be happy to help you achieve your weight loss goal.

Flaxseed: the miracle ally for weight loss
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Flaxseed: the miracle ally for weight loss
Flaxseed is the ideal spice to complement the diet during weight loss. Discover in this article all its benefits, as well as the ways to consume it to optimize its effects!
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