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Which vegetables eat to lose weight?

Vegetables are privileged allies of dietetics. They act effectively in the context of food rebalancing. This category of foods has the merit of not inflating the number of calories, thanks to their high water content and low caloric density. The fact that they are rich in fiber makes them everyday allies, because the fibers act on glycemia, flora and transit. They thus offer the possibility of reaching this famous feeling of satiety and prolonging its duration that’s help to lose weight.

At the same time, it promotes an increase in the volume and frequency of stools, the elimination of carcinogenic substances, the slowing down of fat absorption, and the reduction of bad cholesterol levels. Vegetables are therefore foods rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which are essential for good health. In this article, we present the main vegetables that help in weight loss.

1 – Mushrooms


Versatile food, the mushroom blends wonderfully into a slimming diet. Very low in energy (15 kcal/100 g), it is satiating and appetite suppressant. The mushroom is a food rich in vegetable proteins. It provides many minerals and vitamins, including selenium, copper, potassium, vitamins B2, B3, D and K. The fibers it contains have positive effects on intestinal transit.

2 – Pepper

Peppers to lose weight

The pepper offers many benefits and is in the ranking of the best sources of vitamins C and E with 19.8 kcal / 100 g. The richness of this food means that it moderates the appetite, promotes intestinal transit and contributes to the elimination of sugars and fats.

3 – Zucchini


Zucchini is a food rich in water and a significant fat burner. Indeed, this vegetable that helps you lose weight contains potassium, sodium, vitamin C and B9, which are important for the formation of red blood cells and the functioning of the immune system. Low in calories, since it contains only 16.5 kcal per 100 g, it promotes the elimination of toxins and fats.

4 – Eggplant


Thanks to its high content of water, fiber, potassium and magnesium, eggplant is considered a diuretic vegetable. The pectin it contains participates in the regulation of lipid levels in the blood. It is also a source of vitamins B1 and B6, and copper. Note that eggplant is a low-calorie plant (21.2 kcal/100 g) and is included in many slimming diets.

5 – Lettuce


Lettuce, light and full of minerals and fiber, has many virtues to give you a boost in your weight loss. It is primarily a low-calorie vegetable (15.1 kcal/100 g), which contains more than 90% water. Highly dietary, the green leaves of lettuce are rich in vitamin A, which ensures tissue regeneration and protects the eyes. They also contain vitamin B9, which is involved in cell formation, and vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting.

6 – Cucumber


For a flat stomach and shapely legs, there is no better food than cucumbers. This food is a vegetable with a high water content (96%) whose caloric intake is only 10 kcal/100 g. It is an incredible detox that will make you lose weight permanently. Cucumber is a source of magnesium, potassium, iron, vitamin A, C and E. It is therefore one of the vegetables that make you lose weight.

7 – Beets


Beetroot, which contains 50.6 kcal/100 g and has a sweet taste, is one of the foods with strong slimming power. The phenolic substances it contains, including flavonoids, make it have a strong antioxidant potential. Soluble in fat, it has all the qualities to melt fat. It is a good source of vitamins A and K.

8 – Asparagus


Asparagus arouses so much interest because it is a very good accomplice for losing weight in the hips and stomach. They provide a large amount of vegetable fiber. Containing only 24.7 kcal/100 g, asparagus is full of fat-fighting resources and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and vitamin B9. Thus, the consumption of asparagus contributes to slimming and weight stabilization.

9 – Celery


With only 21.5 kcal/100 g, celery is a safe bet for capturing fat and a powerful antioxidant capable of draining and detoxifying the body. It participates in the fight against the phenomenon of water retention, cellulite or orange peel skin. The contributions of this vegetable in vitamins B5, B6, C and K, copper and manganese make it complete for weight loss.

10 – Radish


The radish turns out to be a fat burner in power whose action intervenes in particular at the level of the combustion of dimples at the level of the belly. This vegetable facilitates digestion and also acts as an appetite suppressant to avoid cravings, in particular thanks to the fibers it contains. It cleanses the body, contains only 15 kcal/100 g, and is very rich in water (95%), calcium, potassium, magnesium, sulphur, iron.

11 – Onion


The consumption of this vegetable with strong antioxidant power will never cease to amaze you. Its calories are indeed very low (54 kcal/100 g). In addition, this vegetable helps reduce the amount of fat and sugar in the blood, an essential asset for losing a few pounds. It is also a natural antibiotic with a high vitamin C content.

12 – Cabbage


Obviously, cabbage with its intake of 25.3 kcal / 100 g is among the vegetables that promote weight loss. These foods are ideal as part of a low-calorie diet. Cabbage soup is cataloged as dietary and is recognized as being able to make you lose weight quickly. It is a low-calorie, draining food that allows you to gorge yourself with vitamin C.

13 – Tomatoes


Not only are tomatoes suitable for cooking, but they are also a vegetable of choice for healthy and natural weight loss. The skin and seeds of the tomato are packed with fiber that aids digestion and lowers cholesterol levels. With 13.8 kcal/100 g, tomatoes contain provitamin A, vitamins C and E, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

If you liked this article, you can also find our article on the 7 fruits effective in weight loss or the 7 dried fruits that will help you lose weight.

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